Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Center Piece of Worship Service

When I've gone to Blossom for the 4th of July concert there is really only one piece that I've got to hear. They play lots of good stuff and it is generally a good time. But I'm waiting for the best. For lots of reason's I'll not go into here, I've come to Blossom to hear the 1812 Overture. If they came towards the end of the concert and announced that they were going to skip over that and go right to the fireworks, I would be infuriated. The other music and sing-a-longs are fine. I like the fireworks at the end. But the main course for me is always, Tchaikovsky's most famous piece.

I heard Jim Cymbal say in one of his most famous sermons, "My House will be Called a House of Prayer," that the main thing in a genuine worship service is not the sermon. Being a preacher, I took some offense to that ... and felt a bit guilty at the same time.

When I think of what we have been transitioning too at CrossPoint, I think that Cymbala's point is really at the heart of our desire for change. The focal point of our worship together is not fellowship, good music, or even engaging preaching. When I dream of what I want to be the main thing about our worship I see people taking the time to meet with God in a deeper more personal way. The Personal Minsitry Time at the end of the service is meant to give people the time to get to the main thing. Everything before that is preparing them to enter into a sancturary where they encounter God and respond to His presence.

I'm sure that for some the main point of coming to church is to see friends and be encouraged. For others they may be lookign for an emotional boost from the music and singing. Peronally, I hope that there are some people who are looking forward to a good sermon. But what would our church be like if the main thing that people came to church for ... the item listed on the worship folder for which they couldn't wait was the ministry time. Now that would really be church!

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